Caster Competition

Welcome to the Hub’s newest contest, our Official Caster Competition for Spring 2022. (You know it’s legit because we used Capital Letters to define it.) If you’re a student caster or know a student that is a caster, the Collegiate Esports Hub is offering the opportunity for shoutcasting in the spring semester.

We will be selecting two students from all submissions for a total of ten paid gigs in the Spring. It’s professional work casting the Hub’s tournament matches, perfect for getting in reps and building resumes alongside other working professionals.

Vote Today!

Voting is open!

Part of the results are based on a popular vote, committed by you — the fans! Watch each competitor's caster reel below, and then cast your vote for who you think should be representing the Hub on broadcast days.

Landon "Ghutsy" Moreno

Jorge "The Aliagator" Aliaga

Sam "Camel" Khalil

Isaiah "Mega Racketball" Morrow

Grant "GrantCFO" Liller

Jason "Trigger Happy" Gartner

Deepal Nadar

Benjamin "Zephyr" Fossitt

Isaac "Rebel" Gould

Trevor "Babenation" Check

Mathew "Septilence" Corfee

Matt "Titanhawk 17" Dixey

Jeff "Danger Taco" Skalamera

Michael "Sersero" Wiebe

TJ "Banjo" Glenn

Jacob "AnMec" Gold

Anthony Pittinger

Let's Vote!

The Nitty-Gritty

Here are all the in-depth details for those of you who are interested:

Judging Criteria

Game Title Knowledge

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the game, can predict, analyze, and discuss team/player’s rationale behind choices or strategies well

Technical Voice 

  • Has clear enunciation, clarity in speaking, appropriate volume, and demonstrates strong game vocabulary/terminology


  • Ability to weave together game knowledge and collegiate knowledge to recognize patterns, cue up significant moments, and build up the performance of the players


  • Caster is engaging and has a robust presence on screen, develops cohesion with other casters in vod, willing to take an opposing perspective to allow colleagues to demonstrate expertise and personality


  • Displays appropriate level of energy for action, finds balance between overhype and low energy, displays appropriate tone and control in energy output


Internally, Mainline will select five submissions to move on to the scoring round. Scoring will then be done in three parts and weighted equally:

  • A Popular Vote, where the contestant VODs will be voted on via social media.
    • Each contestant will earn a score — a 5 for highest-place finish, a 1 for fifth place — that will then be doubled. This number is good for 1/3 of the contestant’s final score.
  • A Business Vote, where Mainline and other production experts individually score each contestant on the criteria listed above from 1-10, with 10 being the best.
    • This number will then be averaged out and will be good for 1/3 of the contestant’s final score.
  • A Pro-Broadcaster Vote, where the competitors’ future co-casters will vote
    • The same juding applies as above. Each broadcaster will rank the contestants on the above criteria, and the average of those scores will be good for 1/3 of the contestant’s final score.

The best two scores win!

And, if you win — we make no promises, but… you singing Queen as loud as possible on stream is a real possibility.